Ahr Candlestick
APRIL 2022
The Ahr Candleholder is a product that is part of the Whole Earth project. It works at a time when the worst crisis is over and other things to normalise the situation become important. At a certain point, situations like the one in the Ahr valley change and other needs develop. If we take a closer look at this situation, we learn that at this moment attention, trained craftsmen and money are needed, because the problem is farfrom being solved and affected people still cannot live in their houses. Trained craftsmen, as these houses need to be repaired. Money, as these craftsmen have to be paid. As a platform with design ambitions, we are not able to deliver these things directly, but we have alternatives. We are able to create a design and sell it with a licence. This way we generate money and cover two of the problems. To get attention, the design needs to be emotionally connected to the place and what is happening. My solution to this is a design of a topographical map, specifically a section of it - a very salient place for the flood. This section is modified by a minimal incision to a model of a candlestick. This can now be saved as a digital file. This is where the designer's work ends, which he donates as a charitable service. The key point of this product is that the digital file can be sold through the platform, indefinitely. The product is licensed under a Creative Commons donation-based licence, which means it can be reproduced, modified and marketed as long as the donation-based licence fee is paid. The client is free to choose how to convert this file into a product. In this case, it is designed for and adapts to digital fabrication techniques. Such a concept allows or encourages the client to become active himself. The topographic map was chosen because the Ahr valley is known for its nature and mountains. The chosen section represents this, with the river in the centre - the lifeline of the region, but at the same time also a great danger, which has been greatly neglected in terms of urban development. In the following, a wide variety of approaches are presented as to how this file could be transformed into a product.